Even if you don’t know much about your future, and until when you will live, you can still do something to increase your chances of reaching old age. Here are some habits that you should adopt today:
Sit in the sauna
A new report in JAMA Internal Medicine makes this pastime even more appealing: regularly spending time in a sauna may help keep the heart healthy and extend life.
Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland tracked 2,300 middle-aged men for an average of 20 years. They categorized the men into three groups according to how often they used a sauna each week. The men spent an average of 14 minutes per visit baking in 175° F heat. Over the course of the study, 49% of men who went to a sauna once a week died, compared with 38% of those who went two to three times a week and just 31% of those who went four to seven times a week. Frequent visits to a sauna were also associated with lower death rates from cardiovascular disease and stroke.
The results don’t surprise Dr. Thomas H. Lee, a cardiologist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital and founding editor of the Harvard Heart Letter. “The cardiovascular effects of sauna have been well documented in the past. It lowers blood pressure, and there is every reason to believe that its effects are good for blood vessels,” says Dr. Lee. Source: Health.Harvard
Sitting all day is bad for you
Even if you don’t feel like you can embark on a major fitness regimen, any amount of movement you do can extend your life. A recent study found that as little as 10 minutes of light activity a day—even simple things like walking around your home or doing chores—can reduce your risk of dying. Source: RD
Hang out with your loved ones
Research shows that you’re at greater risk of heart disease without a strong network of friends and family. Loneliness can cause inflammation, and in otherwise healthy people it can be just as dangerous as having high cholesterol or even smoking. Source: Health
Get a sauna for your home so you can reap all the healthy benefits it can provide, anytime you want. Order now by calling us!
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