There are many factors to consider when choosing a bathroom fixture, especially one that is as extremely essential as a toilet. In this article, you will learn more about three types of toilets based on their flushing systems, and each of their pros and cons.
Gravity-Feed Toilets
As their name implies, these toilets have a flush valve that relies on gravity. Water drops from the tank into the bowl to move waste down the drain. They can work with as little as 10 pounds per square inch of household water pressure. Models with a beefy 3- 3 1/2, even 4-inch wide flush valve delivered more thrust in our tests than did those with a 2- to 2 1/2-inch valve. You can ask to see the manufacturer’s specifications for the flush valve.
Pros: Gravity-feed toilets flush more quietly than pressure-assisted models. Many we tested worked every bit as well as the best pressure-assisted models, and with far less fanfare—an advantage in close quarters.
Cons: Models that perform comparably to pressure-assist units typically cost as much, while lower-priced models may not be able to properly displace waste. Source: ConsumerReports
Vacuum-Assisted Toilets
This is the latest flush innovation. The porcelain tank contains a vacuum tank that’s connected to the trapway (the large tube that carries water out of the bowl). When the toilet is flushed, water flowing out of the tank creates suction in the vacuum tank and trapway to help suck waste out of the bowl.
Easy repairs. Vacuum-assist toilets use the same type of fill and flush valves as gravity models, so they’re simple to repair.
Strong flush. Vacuum-assist toilets do well in lab tests. In clearing solid waste, they outperform most gravity types, but don’t do as well as many pressure-assist models.
No sweat. Like pressure-assist models, vacuum-assist toilets store water in an inner tank, so condensation won’t form outside the porcelain tank.
Cost. Vacuum-assist models cost slightly more than some gravity models.
Limited choices. There is currently a limited selection of vacuum-assist toilets from major manufacturers. Source: FamilyHandyman
Pressure-Assisted Toilets
Pressure-assisted toilet works with a combination of high pressure air and water. As the water in the storage tank fills, the toilet is also charging air in the compression tank. Once the water is full, it is released with the power of the air behind it. Because of the high force of air, it cleans the bowl and pipes more efficiently. Source: DoItYourself
- Higher water level in bowl leaves it cleaner
- Pressure of flush is stronger and more efficient
- Tank-inside-tank design eliminates tank sweat (condensation) during humid weather
- Noisy flush
- Difficulty in procuring replacement parts
- More expensive than gravity-flow models Source: About
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