Sauna l’Histoire de la Sauna

L’Histoire de la Sauna

SAUNA, correctement prononcé “semer (rime avec wow) nah,” est le seul mot finnois dans le dictionnaire anglais; il signifie «bain» et «établissement de bains.” Sauna a été un mode de vie en Finlande, où il vient dans sa forme actuelle, depuis plus de 2000 ans. Une des premières descriptions écrites du sauna finlandais était en 1112. Le premier sauna a été creusée dans un remblai dans le sol. Saunas plus tard ont été construits au dessus du sol avec des rondins de bois. Les roches ont été chauffés dans un four en pierre avec un feu de bois jusqu’à ce que les rochers étaient super chaud. Cette chambre n’avait pas de cheminée, mais un petit vent d’air dans la paroi arrière. La fumée a permis de remplir la salle alors qu’il chauffait. c’était un processus demi-journée pour chauffer ce type de chambre.


Lorsque la température atteint Sauna, les baigneurs sont entrés après la fumée s’est dissipée. Les murs et le plafond deviendrait noir. Ce sauna original a été appelé “savu” (finlandais pour la fumée) Sauna. Le nom Sauna est pensé pour être un dérivé du mot Savuna, littéralement «en fumée». Le sauna a évolué plus tard à la plus typique de chauffage au poêle à bois en métal avec la cheminée. Où jamais Finlandais voyage, ils ont apporté leur culture de sauna avec eux. Il a d’abord été introduit en Amérique par les Finlandais qui se sont installés dans l’état actuel du Delaware en 1638. Vie quotidienne moderne et de l’électricité ont évolué de nouveau le sauna. Saunas sont devenus plus accessibles aux États-Unis après le sauna cuisinière électrique a été développé dans les années 1950. Certains Américains et les Canadiens qui vivaient près des communautés scandinaves ont peut-être eu la chance de découvrir Saunas tôt. Après 360 ans dans ce pays, le sauna est devenu une tradition bien établie pour de nombreux Américains et les Canadiens comme il l’a été pour les Finlandais.


Apaise et détend les muscles fatigués

C’est la seule salle de bain dans le monde dans lequel l’air à la fois sec et humide est présent en même temps. Il est de la nature de l’organisme
façon de se purifier par la transpiration. La chaleur élevée (moyenne de 180 190F) et le faible taux d’humidité (environ 20%) créent
un environnement qui favorise la transpiration et sur ​​tout le nettoyage en profondeur des pores. Les impuretés de l’organisme sont éliminées dans (même la nicotine du corps d’un fumeur). Cette transpiration totale contribue à maintenir la peau saine et claire et permet une rémanence rose. Saunas sont d’abord et avant tout un lieu de détente. La chaleur et l’humidité douce apaise et détend les muscles fatigués, soulage le stress et favorise un merveilleux après Sauna sentiment de satisfaction et de bien-être. Analgésiques naturels du corps, les bêta-endorphines et norepinephrines, sont libérés pour fournir une sensation un peu comme un coureur de haut. Lors d’une séance de sauna, le taux de la circulation sanguine augmente, le taux de respiration augmente et le pouls s’accélère. Les saunas sont comme des exercices légers, ou une séance d’entraînement cardio-vasculaire pour votre cœur. Les calories sont également brûlé à une séance de sauna. Il doit être utilisé en conjonction avec un régime alimentaire approprié et un programme d’exercice. 

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You are a great help. Courteous, helpful and informed. You know your stuff and it certainly gives me the confidence I needed to make the online purchase.

Louie A. Yellowknife NWT.

Perfect Bath Canada

Louie A. Yellowknife NWT.

You are a great help. Courteous, helpful and informed. You know your stuff and it certainly gives me the confidence I needed to make the online purchase.

Even if we looked for a problem, we could not find one in this marvelous piece of equipment. Thank you for being there to answer all of our questions. We love it. We will recommend you to all of our friends.

Jamie L. Saskatoon Sk.

Perfect Bath Canada

Jamie L. Saskatoon Sk.

Even if we looked for a problem, we could not find one in this marvelous piece of equipment. Thank you for being there to answer all of our questions. We love it. We will recommend you to all of our friends.

We are loving our sauna and perhaps our biggest surprise is how much our aging Jack Russel Terrier loves it too... this sauna is the best investment ever.

Kelly P. Vancouver BC.

Perfect Bath Canada

Kelly P. Vancouver BC.

We are loving our sauna and perhaps our biggest surprise is how much our aging Jack Russel Terrier loves it too... this sauna is the best investment ever.

Just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the Products I purchased... There are so few companies out there that dedicate themselves to quality control in products and customer service. I wish more companies shared your zest for business.

Tammy T. Kamloops BC.

Perfect Bath Canada

Tammy T. Kamloops BC.

Just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the Products I purchased... There are so few companies out there that dedicate themselves to quality control in products and customer service. I wish more companies shared your zest for business.

My plumber looked at the bathtub I purchased from you& he is very impressed with the tub. It really has it all. I will be spreading the word on where to by a whirlpool tub!!! Thanks

Della P. Ottawa Ont.

Perfect Bath Canada

Della P. Ottawa Ont.

My plumber looked at the bathtub I purchased from you& he is very impressed with the tub. It really has it all. I will be spreading the word on where to by a whirlpool tub!!! Thanks

Our sauna arrived on friday. I had it assembled in under An hour. My wife and I love it. Being a business owner myself, with a profession that is dependant on producing top quality product, I'm happy to report I was very pleased with the workmanship and quality of this product. I will recommend you to anyone who asks about where we got it. Thanks again.

Ben G. Medicine Hat AB.

Perfect Bath Canada

Ben G. Medicine Hat AB.

Our sauna arrived on friday. I had it assembled in under An hour. My wife and I love it. Being a business owner myself, with a profession that is dependant on producing top quality product, I'm happy to report I was very pleased with the workmanship and quality of this product. I will recommend you to anyone who asks about where we got it. Thanks again.


I purchased a steam shower, three toilets, pedestal sink and a vanity for up dates to our B&B in Kelowna. Found the products on line. Found Aaron to be very helpful in making selections to fit our rooms. The Eago products are top quality, have not had a clog in any toilet and do not have to flush the dual flush toilets twice. The steam shower was a little tricky to assemble but Aaron gave excellent detailed technical support. The shower enclosure is all tempered glass and very good quality. I sure recommend these Eago products. I can hardly wait until our B&B suite is not booked so that I can use the shower myself. Dealing with was problem free.


Marie G. Kelowna BC.

Perfect Bath Canada

Marie G. Kelowna BC.

  I purchased a steam shower, three toilets, pedestal sink and a vanity for up dates to our B&B in Kelowna. Found the products on line. Found Aaron to be very helpful in making selections to fit our rooms. The Eago products are top quality, have not had a clog in any toilet and do not have to flush the dual flush toilets twice. The steam shower was a little tricky to assemble but Aaron gave excellent detailed technical support. The shower enclosure is all tempered glass and very good quality. I sure recommend these Eago products. I can hardly wait until our B&B suite is not booked so that I can use the shower myself. Dealing with was problem free.  


I Got the Shower all completed on Friday.You mentioned in an email quite some time ago, that it would all be worth it when it was complete. You were 100% correct. We are really enjoying it. Great product and great service. Thanks again.

Dwight M. Abbotsford BC.

Perfect Bath Canada

Dwight M. Abbotsford BC.

  I Got the Shower all completed on Friday.You mentioned in an email quite some time ago, that it would all be worth it when it was complete. You were 100% correct. We are really enjoying it. Great product and great service. Thanks again.


Purchased a AM124 tub from here. Great service. Awesome tub, can’t get nothing like this in Ontario. I was nervous about shipping but it arrived In a well built crate with no issues. Everyone is amazed by this tub because they’ve never seen anything like it before. Plus my wife thinks it’s the best thing ever that she has her own spa. Happy wife equals happy life. Thank you

Reilly S. South Porcupine, Ont.

Perfect Bath Canada

Reilly S. South Porcupine, Ont.

  Purchased a AM124 tub from here. Great service. Awesome tub, can’t get nothing like this in Ontario. I was nervous about shipping but it arrived In a well built crate with no issues. Everyone is amazed by this tub because they’ve never seen anything like it before. Plus my wife thinks it’s the best thing ever that she has her own spa. Happy wife equals happy life. Thank you

We got the last of our shower together and connected without so much as a micro problem. You have a great product and it is our delight and privilege to do business with such an honourable and honest business which is a rare thing these days. We will be recommending you and your products to all of our friends and aquaintances and our contractor is also equally impressed and said he will be ordering your products for his future projects as well.

Debbie and John G. Halifax NS.

Perfect Bath Canada

Debbie and John G. Halifax NS.

We got the last of our shower together and connected without so much as a micro problem. You have a great product and it is our delight and privilege to do business with such an honourable and honest business which is a rare thing these days. We will be recommending you and your products to all of our friends and aquaintances and our contractor is also equally impressed and said he will be ordering your products for his future projects as well.
Perfect Bath Canada
Perfect Bath Canada
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