Modern Bathroom Designs
The aim of creating a gorgeous bathroom design is to build a space for you that becomes a sort of retreat, a respite from daily worries where you can relax and rejuvenate as you let go of stress. An ideal modern bathroom forms exactly that sort of space for you.
Interior decorators often say that ‘distinction is in the details’. Here we would like to go into some details about how to create a beautiful modern bathroom design with the help of new bathroom design ideas and modern facilities developed for this purpose. After all, 2013 is just around the corner, and you should plan on taking your bathroom into the new year with you! So let’s focus on the chief features for your modern bathroom:
Bathroom Vanity
As in the case of any other decorating project, a point of reference is essential to set the right tone and give the project direction. A good way to go about this is to decide the ‘focal point’ of your bathroom first, and then work from there. This ‘focal point’ will be what catches your attention the first thing when you walk into your bathroom. A great focal point could be your bathroom vanity.
Today, the vanity has become pretty much a staple of modern bathrooms. When you carefully select one, you’ll find it serving two important purposes. First, it gives you storage space, which is especially important in case you’re low on space. Second, it can be a way for making a great design statement which will set the overall tone for your bathroom. Often times you will find it to be the largest bit of furniture in a modern bathroom and with it’s positioning and size, it also makes for an effortless centre piece.
Your goal here is to select a vanity that is modern and alluring, yet warm – we suggest quality solid wood construction and finish. Once you start on this search, you’ll be amazed by the variety of options available to you. To quicken your search, keep in mind the size and color you desire, which will help begin the process of elimination. Decide in advance whether you want open or closed storage, or a combination of the two. An online search or catalogue survey will help you arrive at your eventual choice much faster.
Your Bathtub can be a wondrous source of daily pleasure and delight. However, since it’s a long term, costly investment you need to understand and weigh your options well.
A great option to go for when it comes to bathtubs is the whirlpool bathtub. Imagine immersing yourself in a hot spring whenever you feel like it. A whirlpool bathtub makes for a lovely place of languid relaxation where your mind floats in peace and creativity. It brings you a wonderful home spa experience, and if you weigh its cost against the long term benefits to your life in terms of health, daily relaxation and rejuvenation, you’ll find the balance easily tilt toward purchasing one. Gone are the days of jetted bathtubs sounding like a jet airplane in midflight or the thought of bacteria growing in the jets that were unable to be cleaned. Modern Jetted bathtubs have evolved into sleek spa retreats that are almost silent in operation and are hygienic in every way with fully drainable jet lines and Ozone disinfection functions built into them.
Another option is a free standing bathtub. These used to be called claw-foot tubs, and were mostly only found in very traditional bathrooms. But these days you’ll find them in sleek and modern varieties as well. Basically a freestanding tub stands alone, without enclosure from walls.
Then there is the corner tub that is enclosed on two sides and usually triangular shaped. Besides that, there is the alcove tub which is quite a practical solution in the case of small bathrooms as it combines both – shower and tub. Some bathtubs incorporate glass sides or fronts to them to give the feel of a larger pool of water and for that ultra modern look and feel.
Another aspects of modern bathrooms that has undergone great development is the toilet. Today, luxury toilets have become a trend in such a big way that no contemporary bathroom design is complete without one.
To begin with, you need to decide whether you wish for an elongated toilet bowl (usually people find it more comfortable), or a round bowl, which helps saves space, and it therefore finds its advantage in smaller bathrooms. The question of comfort also comes up when deciding the height of the toilet.
Toilets come as two or one piece units. In a two-piece toilet the tank bolts on top of the toilet bowl. While these are comparatively cheaper, a one-piece toilet, which comprises of an integrated bowl and tank, is much easier to clean and maintain because of the absence of any seam. Therefore, one piece units have an advantage in hygiene as well. A growing trend is becoming that of using wall mounted toilets with the tank and mechanism hidden in the wall. It is a more luxurious, sleeker looking option which is also the easiest to clean, even underneath and is a good option for smaller bathrooms as it takes up less releastate in the room
Then there are bidets – fixtures that appear similar to toilets but are actually used for the purpose of personal hygiene. They are also useful for those with mobility issues and who find it difficult to stand in a shower or get within a tub.
This one’s a no-brained. A glass walled walk-in steam shower is an easy recommendation when it comes to modern showers. These days steam showers are picking up as a trend, and it is little wonder why when you consider the host of amazing features they sport. Firstly, the glass walls add a touch of elegance to the bathroom while giving it a more spacey feel. Then there’s the FM music system that makes bathing that much more enjoyable. From health and comfort point of view, steam showers make bathing and cleaning a breeze with soothing and invigorating spa treatments of aromatherapy and chroma-therapy. And these are besides the more obvious features of internal temperature, steam generation and ventilation. These modern free standing steam shower units are also very affordable and easy to install compared to steam showers of the past which involved a major renovation to install.
Medicine Cabinet
A notable advancement when it comes to bathroom décor has also taken place with medicine cabinets. Not long ago medicine cabinets were mundane and typical purchases that didn’t require much thought or time on your part. But these days however, when it comes to medicine cabinets, things have evolved in a big way. As you browse through newer designs of medicine cabinets, you’ll find that they most certainly posses the potential of making a major design statement besides bringing added luxury to anyone’s bathroom.
Towel Warmer
While a toilet and medicine cabinet may be basics for anyone’s bathroom, a towel warmer is certainly not. But we’re talking about modern bathroom designs here, and towel warmers bring that lovely added touch of class and luxury to your bathroom which would make a great difference to the overall experience of bathing in your bathroom. Imagine stepping out of the shower, early in the morning, on one of those freezing winter days, and getting into the delicious warm embrace of a nice toasty towel – can’t beat that cozy, lovely feeling. But towel warmers aren’t only about the luxury. They also help in stopping your towels from developing that horrid, moldy smell that they are prone to getting. The only problem that we can think of in getting a towel warmer is that once you’ve tried the luxury of one, you’ll find it quickly becomes an absolute necessity.
We hope this article has helped broaden your mind’s horizon on how you can get the most out of your bathroom design. If you’re thinking of upgrading your bathroom, make sure you do it right. Stay tuned for more articles as we bring you up to date with more modern bathroom design ideas that will truly bring your bathroom to the year 2013.
Contributed By www.perfectbath.com