The baseboards cover the joint between the wall in the floor to add an aesthetic finishing to the room. If you are an enthusiastic homeowner, you can learn how to install a baseboard with ease. This will make a perfect do it yourself project to impress both your friends and family. Before installing a baseboard, make sure to search for good miter saw reviews online. You will need a miter saw to help you with this project, so it’s important to make sure that you got a good miter saw with you.
There is a step-by-step method that you can follow to install the baseboard and trim.
1) Remove all baseboard and trim
Use a sharp utility knife to cut through the paint along the edges of the trim. You want to make sure that you do that to prevent chipping around the paint or drywall.
2) Loosen up the trim from the wall
Use a pry bar to help you loosen up any trim from the walls. You want to do this gently to avoid any damages. If you need further assistance, try using a screwdriver to help you.
3) Pry the trim away
Most of these nails should automatically and smoothly come off with the trims. Make sure to meticulously scrape and smooth out any particles that can obstruct the new baseboard.
4) Measure the baseboard
Measure the dimensions of each wall. If you are a beginner, you will want to cut slightly more than it is necessary for a tight fit. Remember, it is always possible to cut more, not add more.
5) Establish the level on the floor
You want to make sure that your floors are properly leveled. If not, the floor and the baseboard could stick out, which can be pretty awkward. If the floor is not level, then try to find the lowest point in the room. Establish a horizontal mark and snap a chalk line on top of the mark. Then install the top of the baseboard at the marked location.
6) Scribe the baseboards
Place the baseboard and a couple of nails on the inside corner of the wall. Keep the bottom slightly above the floor. Then use a compass to measure the distance.
7) Measure and cut the outside corners
Use a Power miter saw to cut the corner. Afterward, you can sand and smooth out the baseboard.
8) Installing the baseboard
Use a stud finder to locate the nail, and hammer the baseboards in place with it. Then incorporate the shoe molding and the cap molding if you need to. Afterward, use the caulking to help create an organized section that will mold in the proper place. Then cover all the nail holes and touch upon the trimmings. Tape the wall and the floor above and below the trimmings, and apply the finishing coat.
Once you are finished, give yourself a good pat on the back. This is a major accomplishment for any homeowners out there. The repair process is very detailed and complex that the best tools are needed. If you were able to complete this task, you could now call yourself an official repair or carpenter expert.
Contributed by: Perfectbath.com foremost experts in bathroom design and bathroom fixtures.