If you`re planning to purchase new bathroom fixtures, consider these four tips in choosing the right one for you.
Shower Enclosures : Shower enclosures are designed to keep water in the shower tray and off your bathroom floor, and are often more effective than shower curtains. It is highly recommended that before you make a purchase,you visit a showroom to actually see a ready assembled unit to as certain the build quality and rigidity. Ensure that the door glides open smoothly without juddering and if it is a swing door, examine the hinges to determine their strength. Make sure that the door has good magnetic seals all round and ask whether or not it will be delivered fully assembled, as this is always preferable. Pay close attention to the finish, ensuring that the screw heads are covered and that the cut profiles at the top of the door and panel have been capped to prevent water from getting in. Source: HintsAndThings
Shower Panels: When buying a shower panel, you must consider the material that it is made out of. The most popular materials for shower panels are PVC, stainless steel, aluminum, and acrylic. The main advantage that PVC has over the other materials it that PVC shower panels are generally cheaper than their metal and acrylic alternatives. Even though PVC may be cheaper in the short run, a PVC-based shower panel may not be as reliable. Many people are concerned that fingerprints may affect the aesthetics of their shower panels when they are considering one made out of metal. Most stainless steel and aluminum shower panels will come with a fingerprint-free finish in order to keep them clean and preserve their beauty. The fingerprint-free finish is also available on aluminum shower panels. Source: ShowerPanels
Shower Heads: Like everything else for the bathroom, there are a dizzying array of showerhead choices. Depending on your budget, your taste and the size of your shower space, you can opt for anything from a no-frills, wall-mounted head, a convenient hand-held model or a lavish spa shower with multiple jets and sprays.
Whether you’re looking for a basic bathroom fix or a blissful hydrotherapy experience, the first step in selecting your perfect water delivery system is finding out what’s available.
You’ll find plenty of showerhead options that will fill the bill. Source: Bathrooms
Bathroom Faucets: In any bathroom overhaul, the faucets are the crown jewels. Available in a spectacular array of shapes and finishes, even modestly priced faucets present worlds of possibility. Add in the options for interactivity and water conservation, and today’s bathroom faucets offer homeowners every convenience.
Before choosing bathroom faucets, you’ll need to consider a few factors, such as whether you’re using an existing sink or buying a new one, where are the faucet opening. You’ll also need to consider which features you want, as well as how much faucet your budget will allow. Other considerations include the size of your bathroom and what sort of faucets are typically found in similar homes in your area. If you’re retrofitting a new faucet to an existing sink or buying a complete sink ensemble, be sure to match the type of faucet to the hole openings in your sink. Source: HGTV
Your first step is to focus on the type of fixtures that suit your needs. If you need assistance in choosing the right ones for you, please contact us here.
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