Get inspired to make some bathroom renovations with these 3 design tips on how to make a small bathroom better, such as: installing a corner sink, skipping the shower door and extending the counter.

Installing a Corner Sink
Sometimes even a pedestal sink can disrupt the only available traffic lane in a bathroom.
In this case placing a corner sink across from the toilet works better than a sink across from the shower. The opening and closing of the shower door usually creates an awkward walk-around condition. Source: Houzz
Skipping the Shower Door
If your bathroom is about 5 feet wide, that’s just enough space to squeeze in a toilet and a 30- by 60-inch tub. With tight conditions such as these, consider a glass panel instead of a glass shower door. It will keep most of the water in the shower and will free up needed elbow room. Source: Forbes
Extending the Counter
You can extend your counter all the way around the toilet to add both comfort and space. An arrangement like that can be made with the addition of wood or stone, as this will create extra space you can use to place your items around. The placement of the toilet will not be altered, so the look will still have clean elements and a minimalistic approach. You can clean the space with relative ease, making bathroom cleaning less of a chore. Tile cleaning and floor cleaning can be a bit challenging due to the smaller space, but with the right cleaning tools, you should have little trouble. Source: ImproveNet
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